Getting into a car accident can be a life-changing event. You have a lot of things to deal with, including medical issues, insurance, and getting your car fixed. At the Law Offices of Roderick T. McIver, PLLC., we see people go through this process often. Here is what we recommend that you do after a car accident in Winston-Salem to get your life back in order.
Start With Medical Attention
After a car accident in Winston-Salem, the first thing that you do is always the same: seek medical attention for everyone in the accident. Do what you need to do to make sure that everyone is okay before moving on to something else. In many places, this is also a legal requirement. Otherwise, it is just the right thing to do. Call 911 and get medical attention to the seen as needed as soon as possible.
File a Police Report If Needed
The next step is to file a police report if you are required to. If an accident is not very serious, you may be able to exchange information and move on. However, you should contact the police if you have any doubts.
When the police arrive, let them go through the investigation process for their report. Request a copy of that report when they are done. You need this for your records, especially if you are going to take legal action later.
Exchange Information
Exchange information with the other parties involved in the accident. Make sure that everyone has your insurance information so that you won’t end up in legal trouble later for non-compliance. The police can help with this process if they are on the scene since they have to collect information from everyone anyway.
Contact Your Insurance Company
Once you have the information that you need, contact your insurance company. You want to report the accident and start filing a claim as soon as possible. This makes it easier to collect evidence and coordinate an insurance payout. However, wait to accept anything that they offer until after you discuss it with a lawyer.
Follow Up with a Car Accident Lawyer
Finally, follow up with a car accident lawyer for help. Whether you need to negotiate with the insurance company or take legal action against an uninsured driver, having an experienced legal team on your side can make a big difference in the outcome. Make sure that you have the support you need to fully recover from this accident by contacting the Law Offices of Roderick T. McIver, PLLC. for legal support. Call us at (336) 727-9886 to schedule a free consultation about your case