Lewisville Car Accident Lawyer

Car accidents can alter the course of your life forever. Pursuing a legal claim after being in a car accident can offer you a path to recovery and justice.

At McIver Law Firm, we provide car accident victims exceptional advocacy in their auto accident cases. With 30 years of combined experience and a proven track record, our Lewisville car accident lawyers know how to stand up to the most aggressive opponents and offer excellent advocacy that we would want to be accorded in a similar situation. We work tirelessly for the best possible results and maximum compensation possible.

Regardless of how complex your case may be, our Lewisville personal injury lawyer can help. Call us 336-727-9886 today to schedule a free and confidential consultation.

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How Can the McIver Law Firm Help You?

At McIver Law Firm, our Lewisville car accident lawyer can help you in the following ways:

Protect Your Rights

We have experience handling car accident cases and are well-versed in the law. We will let you know your rights and fight to protect those rights, ensuring you receive your rightful compensation and the justice you deserve after a car accident.

Don’t Pay Unless You Win

We offer our clients a contingency fee plan, meaning you will not incur any out-of-pocket expenses or have to pay any upfront fee for our legal services. You will only pay us when we win your case. You’ll owe us nothing if we lose.

We Pursue Maximum Compensation

At McIver Law Firm, we fight to win our clients the maximum possible compensation, for medical expenses, lost wages, emotional anguish, and physical pain, ensuring they can get back on their feet after the accident.

What Should I Do After a Car Accident?

The steps you take after an accident can significantly impact your claim. It helps to take specific steps to protect your rights and ensure you meet the required state law obligations, including the following:

  • Move your vehicle to a safer location: Stop at the scene after an accident, but if your car is movable and obstructs traffic, move it to a safer location. It helps to get clear pictures and videos of the exact position of your car on the scene before moving it.
  • Check yourself and your passenger(s) for injuries: Confirm if you or the other involved parties are injured and render reasonable assistance while waiting for medical reinforcement.
  • Call 911 and request for an ambulance and police: If the accident involves serious injuries or a fatality, call 911 and request an ambulance and a police officer.
  • Tell your side of the story to the responding police officer: When the officer is dispatched, they will write a detailed accident report—crucial evidence for your claim—after analyzing the accident scene.
  • Gather evidence at the scene: Take as many videos and pictures—of traffic conditions, vehicle positions, injuries, and property damage—as you can of the scene as they will be useful evidence for your claim.
  • Notify your insurance company: Inform your insurance company about the accident as soon as possible, regardless of fault.
  • Visit your primary care physician or emergency care: Seek immediate medical care after the car accident and keep the medical records of your injuries and doctor visits since they are valuable evidence when filing a claim.
  • Meet with a car accident attorney to understand your legal option: It is crucial to hire a Lewisville car accident lawyer who will protect your rights.

How Much Does a Lewisville Car Accident Lawyer Cost?

It costs $0 to consult and retain car accident attorneys at McIver Law Firm. Because we work on a contingency basis, you only pay us our attorney fee when we recover monetary compensation for your car accident claim. If we do not recover anything, you pay us nothing.

Image is of a car accident, concept of Lewisville car accident lawyer

Why Do I Need a Lewisville Car Accident Lawyer?

A Lewisville car accident lawyer can help you:

  • Value your claim accurately: A lawyer will establish the value of your claim by evaluating both the past and future damages, including medical expenses, loss of income, pain & suffering, and more.
  • Case prep: You will need compelling evidence to win your case. A lawyer can help you collect and compile evidence.
  • Create a personalized strategy: An experienced attorney will apply the proper laws to your case and create a personalized strategy to build a strong case.
  • Settlement negotiations: Car accident lawyers have extensive experience negotiating with insurance companies and will negotiate for a fair settlement on your behalf.
  • Trial prep & representation: If the insurance company refuses to give you a fair settlement, a lawyer will take your case to trial and represent you. They will ensure you meet all the deadlines, draft and file the proper pleadings, make legal motions, and argue your case in court.

The insurance company has a major advantage when you do not have an attorney.

What is the Average Settlement Amount For a Car Accident in Lewisville?

Most car accident victims’ most common concern is how much their claim may be worth. Knowing what you claim is worth is crucial as it informs your decision on whether it is worth pursuing the case. Several factors influence the value of your claim, including:

  • The severity of your injuries
  • Your past and future medical bills
  • The value of any lost wages—were you able to return to work?
  • The party at fault for the accident and the available insurance amount

The laws in North Carolina define the compensation you can recover if the other party is negligent. McIver Law Firm attorneys can determine your claim’s worth and negotiate for a settlement.

What Type of Damages Can I Claim After My Car Accident?

You can incur all kinds of bills and expenses after a car accident. You should not have to incur these costs if you were not liable for the accident. An attorney can help you recover the following damages:


Economic damages cover all the financial and out-of-pocket expenses you may incur. They include:

  • Medical bills
  • Loss of income
  • Property damage


Non-economic damages are harder to estimate since they typically allow you to recover compensation for the discomfort, pain, and inconvenience a car accident adds to your life. They include:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental and emotional anguish
  • Loss of enjoyment of life


Punitive damages are not commonly awarded. But when they are, it punishes the defendant for acting egregiously and deters others from similar behavior.

What If I Was Partially At Fault For the Accident?

Never admit to being at fault for the accident even if you believe you are partially to blame—it affects your chances of recovering damages. North Carolina operates under contributory negligence laws, meaning even if you are 1% at fault, you cannot recover any damages from the defendant. It is crucial to consult an attorney after your accident to determine liability and if you have a case.

How Long Do I Have to File a Claim?

North Carolina’s time limit to filing a car accident claim is three years from when the accident happened. Filing after the time limit elapses deters you from recovering compensation, even if you have compelling evidence. Working with a lawyer ensures you file your claim within the deadline.

What Happens If Insurance Denies My Claim?

Insurance companies can deny your claim for various reasons, including:

  • You failed to pay your premiums, and the coverage lapsed
  • Your policy does not cover your claim
  • You provided misleading information when filing a claim or purchasing coverage
  • You did not file your claim on time
  • You are liable for the accident

Getting your claim denied can be stressful and frustrating, but you have options. You can file a complaint with the state agency regulating insurers or an appeal with the insurer requesting a review. You can file a lawsuit if they are unwilling to review the decision.

If you decide to file a suit or need help with the appeals, our experienced attorneys can help — denied insurance claims are among one of our specialties.

Can an Attorney Help Me File My Initial Claim?

Yes! Attorneys can help you file your initial claim. Here is what to expect when you work with an attorney:

  • They will investigate your case and collect compelling evidence to build a strong case
  • Determine the extent of your damages and the cost of future expenses, such as proper medical care
  • Review the relevant insurance policies and the liability coverage available
  • Seek a fair settlement and negotiate on your behalf if the settlement is not fair
  • File a lawsuit or go to court if necessary
  • Ensure your settlement is paid on time
  • Explore other available options if the company acts unreasonably when dealing with you

You do not have to pursue an insurance claim by yourself. Instead, let our experienced attorneys aggressively seek the damages you deserve while protecting your rights.

Image is of a Lewisville car accident lawyer shaking hands with a satisfied client

What Are the Most Common Causes of Auto Accidents in Lewisville?

Each car accident is unique, with different circumstances surrounding it. With proper care and caution, most accident causes are preventable. Common auto accident cause in Lewisville include the following:

  • Distracted Driving
  • Speeding
  • Reckless Driving
  • Texting and Driving
  • Unfavorable Road Conditions
  • Failure to Yield Right Away

Talk to the Experienced Lewisville Car Accident Lawyers at McIver Law Firm

When the aftermath of a car wreck threatens your future, don’t lose hope, we can help you find a way forward.

At McIver Law Firm, we have handled countless car accident cases and helped our clients recover millions. We are passionate about serving car injury victims in Lewisville, NC. With our contingency fee, you have no reason to wait to take the step to protect your rights after an accident. We are here for you.

Consult our Kernersville car accident attorney about your case and find out if you have a case and if you can recover damages. Call our team at 336-727-9886 today to set up a free case evaluation.

Personal Injury

Car Accidents